March 30, 2009

MWMP - week 2

Tonight I had my second weekly meeting at the MWM Program. The topic of conversation tonight was self-talk. It was quite helpful and motivational. The general idea is to BE POSITIVE! If you tell yourself you can't do something, then you won't do it. So we talked about ways to turn the negative thoughts into positive ones. Examples were:

Negative: I've only lost 10 lbs and I don't look any different.
Positive: I'm 10 lbs closer to my goal!

Negative: I look awful.
Positive: I'm looking better every day that I stick to the program.

I've caught myself thinking negative thoughts a few times but now I feel more motivated to keep those negative thoughts away. I am strong. I am able to do this program. There are no good reasons not to comply with the boundaries that are set.

I'm doing this for myself and my kids and I'm a better person and I'm a stronger person because I'm making the changes I need to make to be healthy.

Enough said.

March 23, 2009

MWM Program Underway

I went to start up on 3/20 and actually started the program on 3/21. I had my first weekly meeting tonight and weighed in. 5 pounds already gone! I know it's probably mostly water but it still felt good to weight in and see it on the scale. I'll be weighing in each Monday and I'll post updates here.

We also have a class every week. Tonight it was about exercise and how critical it is to weight management. They actually said that the American Heart Association recommends 30 minutes 3 times per week. But this is just for heart health! To control weight you actually have to work out 4-5 times per week. Never knew that!

We also talked about ways to increase your activity level just in your daily life. Like, walk the dog instead of just letting him out. Or park further away and walk. Or take the stairs. I'm going to try to start doing some of these things.

More next week!

March 19, 2009

Methodist Hospital Weight Management

It's official! I'm going to a start up meeting for the Methodist Hospital Weight Management program tomorrow! Yippee!! You can read more about it here.

March 15, 2009

Heart is A-OK!

I passed my second stress test. No blockages or other issues were found. They said the abnormal results they got on the previous tests are common with women...they call is the "X Chromosome Factor". Whatever. I'm just glad I'm in the clear and now I can try to get into the weight management program.

March 11, 2009

Weight loss program

I am desparate to be accepted into a weight loss program at a local hospital. Part of the process is to complete a physical. I went to have my physical on Thursday.

I failed the EKG.

I was really stunned. I have been under a cardiologist's care for a while for high blood pressure (a side effect of PCOS and being overweight of course). My EKGs at his office have always been fine.

They sent me for a treadmill stress test, which I did on Monday. Guess what? I FAILED THAT TOO! So I had to go back yesterday for another round complete with radio-tracer being injected in my veins, resting CT scan, another session on the treadmill, and then a follow-up CT scan. I hope to have the results soon.

Of course, I'm praying that it all comes back fine. But this just serves to confirm that I MUST do something to get my weight and PCOS under control before they ruin my life.